Artificial intelligence. It’s everywhere. A Google search yields an AI response, while typing a question into ChatGPT provides a lengthy answer. According to research of HR leaders, 75% believe that AI has had or will have a positive effect on the department.*
Some of the key areas where AI can help HR include improved efficiency and enhanced strategy. When simple, mundane tasks can be turned over to AI, HR leaders can focus on initiatives that benefit the company as a whole. Considering that nearly half of HR leaders reported spending four or more hours a day answering repetitive questions, it becomes evident that AI can really help in this regard.
A Better Employee Experience
Another area where AI can help is in the personalization aspect of the employee experience. Your employees experience the company in a range of interactions, starting with the first touch. Perhaps that involved filling out an application for an open role or learning more about the culture and core values. Personalizing every step along the way can provide a better experience overall, leaving employees feeling happier about working for your organization.
Things that feel more customized to an individual get higher engagement rates. Seeing an ad for something you already looked at is likely to generate a click, while an ad for something totally random may not be enough to stop the scroll.
Personalizing the way your employees experience the payroll and HR platform can also come with a host of benefits. Your team members are incentivized to engage, stick around, and learn. And with the adaptive employee experience built right in, it’s easier than ever to deliver on what modern employees want.
*Source: isolved HR leaders report